Vision and Mission


  • Exalting College to National Repute Institution.


  • To empower the students and Teachers and transform them into Knowledge Seekers.
  • To create innovative and blended teaching and learning methods tuned to the needs and challengers of the real world.
  • To inculcate critical thinking, innovation and sophistication among faculty and students.
  • To facilitate problem solving and develop expertise in various disciplines.
  • To inspire students to discover their talents and avail opportunities.
  • To strengthen employability skills of the students and ensure their adjustment in the workforce of the future.
  • To create a citizenry that will take initiative to build a developed nation.
  • To inculcate out of the box thinking, promote interdisciplinary research and adopt academic framework outlined by NEP-2020.
  • To create avenues for faculty to excel at research, innovation and academic excellence.