Anti-Ragging Mechanism

Ragging is conspicuous by its absence in the campus of Government Degree College Marh, UT of J&K.

Say "No" to Ragging

What is Ragging?

Any act resulting in:

  • Mental/Physical/Sexual Abuse
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Indecent Behavior
  • Criminal Intimidation/Wrongful Restraint
  • Undermining Human Dignity
  • Financial Exploitation/Extortion
  • Use of Force
  • Each of the above is a criminal offence.

A Student Indulging in Ragging can be:

  • Expelled From the Institution
  • Prosecuted for Criminal Action
  • His /Her Scholarship can be withdrawn
  • Denied Admission to any Institution
  • Institutions have been asked to file FIR with local Police Against those who RAG/ABET Ragging

For students' academic careers, college is seen as a hallowed place to be. It provides us with lifetime adventures and memories. It introduces us to experiences we were previously unaware of. It's a time for education, fostering one's future, and forming friendships. It extends our vision and influences our future. Ragging occurs occasionally in higher education institutions under the guise of "Introduction with Newcomers" rites. It involves senior students abusing, humiliating, and harassing newcomers. Many educational institutions have seen a rise in ragging, which has destroyed lives. It renders our youth defenseless. Serious repercussions from its influence on developing minds include lifelong mental illnesses and even the decision for some individuals to take their own lives. To this aim, the college has outlawed ragging in all its forms and anti-ragging and discipline committees have been established to make sure that ragging-related activities are not permitted on campus. You can get in touch with the committee members to report any incidents of this kind.

Sr. No

Name of Members

Mobile No


Dr. Balwinder Saini



Prof. Sachin Kumar Bhagat



Mr. Ravi Kumar



Dr. Shakun Sharma


The following Anti-ragging undertaking is taken from the students while seeking admission in the college.

Affidavit from Notary


I ___________________________ Son/Daughter of _________________________ R/O _______________

Having been admitted to B.A/B.Sc/B.Com Sem-III (NEP-20) declares that:

  • I will not indulge in any misconduct/misbehavior act that may be constituted as ragging regulations.
  • I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be constituted as ragging regulations.
  • I hereby affirm that if I am found guilty of ragging, I am liable for punishment according to the regulations without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against me under penal law being in force.
  • I hereby declare that I have not been debarred/expelled from admission in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty of abetting or being part of conspiracy to promote ragging and affirm that in case the declaration is found to be untrue, I am aware that my admission is liable to be cancelled.
  • In light of the above points, I do hereby declare that I will obey the code of conduct of the institute and not indulge in any kind of indiscipline activity during the institution's working time.


Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein.

Verified at ___________________(place)__________________ on this the ________________(day)__________ of __________________________(month)_______________, __________________(year)

Signature of Deponent